Me neither. But there I was, watching the Sooners impose their will on the Texas Tech defense while keeping former Heisman hopeful Graham Harrell in check all night. The result: a 65-21 trip to poundtown. That means that there is currently a three-way tie atop the Big-12 South, with Oklahoma, Texas Tech and Texas all with one loss.
Since Texas Tech beat Texas, Oklahoma beat Texas Tech, and Texas beat Oklahoma, the team ranked highest in the BCS will represent the South in the Big-12 Title Game. I'm hard-pressed to pick between OU and UT, but you have to think the Sooners will get the bid thanks to the nation's "what have you done for me lately" attitude towards rankings.
Elsewhere, LSU turned Bill Kitson into a prophet, putting themselves at the wrong end of a 31-13 upset in Baton Rouge at the hands of Ole Miss. Jarrett Lee put on a clinic in quarterbacking futility before the football gods mercifully blessed him with some sort of leg injury.
Enter Jordan Jefferson, who got my friend and huge LSU fan Clint all fired up when he entered the game and fired a touchdown pass to Demetrius Byrd on his first possession. Unfortunately, Clint's prediction that Jordan Jefferson would lead the Tigers back from the jaws of defeat fell just 18 points short.
I have to admit, I think very highly of Rebel coach Houston Nutt. I think he's going to turn Ole Miss into quite a pesky team in the SEC West.
Hopefully, some of you Georgia fans out there caught a look at Georgia Tech's "perfect option" at its finest on one of those pulse-racing Thursday night ACC showdowns.
The Jackets looked like a good high school team playing against a less good high school team, proving that the forward pass is a silly invention for sissy teams. Tech rolled up almost 500 yards on the ground against an athletic but undisciplined Miami squad on their way to a blowout win.
Wait. Athletic but undisciplined? That sounds so familiar. Anyway...
The Dawgs have their hands full with Jonathan Dwyer. Dwyer, a former Kell Longhorn just like me, is a beast. Seriously. If Coach Martinez didn't hold a Tackling 101 clinic during the Dawgs' time off, Dwyer will turn those little chest bumps that Reshad Jones likes to call tackles into missed tackles on his way to paydirt.

Still, this now unstoppable force got spanked by UNC. In football. That UNC team just got drubbed by NC State. The Jackets also lost to Virginia and Virginia Tech. All of the above teams would have at least 4 losses in the SEC.
In related news, does anyone want to win the ACC? I know playing in front of thousands of empty seats in Tampa doesn't sound all that appealing, but hey, it's a free trip! It seems like the ACC is collectively falling all over themselves just so they don't have to play in the title game. Over the last three weeks, I have heard teams being left for dead only to be revived because three teams ahead of them lost.
The Orange Bowl figures to be quite amusing. The ACC "Champ" against an at-large team not named Utah. Violence will ensue.
Well that's all I have on this weekend. Time to sit back and watch the Dirty Birds take it to the Panthers.
Guys, as I may have mentioned this before. But I love Tech week. I love it because I hate Georgia Tech with such a passion, it's hard to describe. So stay tuned all this week. Like Florida week, we plan on having a new post every day relating to the Nerds and their cute little brother complex.
Have a good one!
nice adam.
i'm a former vols fan but thankfully now a born again and saved dawgs fan. i've got to say though i don't hate GT, i freakin' loath the gators, but i guess it's just because we've dominated tech for so long, it just doesn't feel like a rivalry anymore. at the risk of sounding cocky though, GT looks much better and we've obviously not lived up to expectation. if they start fast, i think we'll be in big trouble. still, i think we've got a much better team, we just need to bring it on the field.
if you don't hate gt, you must not know many tech fans.
well its the first monnday of thanksgiving break and already I'm ready to go fight some nerds at tech. I hate Florida and I hope horrible things happen to Urban Meyer and Tim "The hardest working man in College Football" Teabow, but losing to them is somewhat acceptable. Losing to Tech makes the entire next year suck. I could pull a Turtle and hook up with a really hot chick, but if we lost to Tech, it won't make me happy.
See most UF fans live in Florida, and the ones that do live here tend to keep their mouths shut. this is because they know no jury will convict their murderer in the state of Ga if the murder had anything to do with football. However, Techies live and work amongst us and are just dying for the opportunity to once again have bragging rights. I don't know if I can handle that.
these last 7 years of my life have been the best 7 years, for one reason and one reason only: We've beaten Tech. I will never forget the look on my Tech buddy's face when Reggie "I swear I can count" Ball fired that 4th down pass out of bonds. He hasn't talked smack about UGA since. He'll be accompanying me to the game again this year, and nothing would make me happier than him having another classic loser facial expression at the end of this game.
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